Vision Alive Max - Testimonials

Here's what some of our Customers have to say about our Bestselling #1 Vision Alive Products...*

* Disclaimer: Holistic Labs Limited is not a medical organization. Do not consider any information displayed through this website as medical advice or diagnosis. Also, please note that results from using our program are not typical and may vary between different members due to differences in individual exercise history, genetics, age, sex, personal motivation and other factors. You should always consult your physician or qualified health care practitioner before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program.


“All I know, Vision Alive worked for me. I have another follow up in 6 months with both of them and we will go from there.”

It all started when I wanted new glasses.. I was tired of my bifocals and wanted separate distance, reading and for driving.

When I went, apparently I have lot of blood vessels behind my left eye, and they were quite concerned. So you know the routine and the tests when you have that. Special dye goes in your skin and a whole bunch of tests. Well, when I went to my regular optometrist, she had given me drops, and then I was to have a follow-up. Well the drops didn't do a very good job because on my one eye.. my vision was not very good. So, she wanted me to follow up in a few more weeks after that. Well, I wanted to know why the drops didn't really work for me. And I came across Vision Alive. It made sense - pure vitamins for your eyes. So I figured, what do I got to lose? So I ordered just one bottle. Well, after the 30 days, I had an appointment follow up with my surgeon optometrist, the one who will be doing my cataract in a year. He was shocked to see what had happened to my left eye with all the blood vessels. It had cleared up. It was just a spot. At first, before this happened, they thought maybe I was in a car accident or had head injury. Or trauma. Whatever. But I had none of that. They were just there. Then, he had shown me, what it looked like before and after, I was shocked myself.

He’d asked if I had done anything different to my diet and I said no. But I did have my bottle of Vision Alive and showed them that was the only thing that I had added to my diet. He read it, and he had said if.. you think this is what did it, there's nothing wrong with taking them. But he could not say hundred percent if that was the case. I was pleasantly surprised since Vision Alive was the only thing I had added to my diet. Two weeks later I had my follow up with my regular optometrist. She was also shocked. She looked at the surgeon’s, she looked at what was done with her just now. And she had asked the same thing - if I had added anything to my diet. Again, I had my bottle of Vision Alive with me. She could not say hundred percent either if that, is what cleared it up. And I was baffled because if I've not added anything to my diet, just the Vision Alive tablets, what other explanation is there? None. They just did not want to say that is probably what had cleared it up. But my opinion I know what I did. So if you're up for glaucoma or you have blood vessels in behind your eye really bad like I did, give a months trial. Just take one bottle. Then have a follow up with your eye specialist. And see if it worked for you. All I know, Vision Alive worked for me. I have another follow up in 6 months with both of them and we will go from there.

Thank you so much Vision Alive!

“I cannot see myself ever going without Vision Alive and hope that my experience will encourage others to try this product.”

I’m making this video from a printed script. So that you can see that my vision is really quite good now.

I began using Vision Alive just over 4 months ago, taking 2 capsules a day. I have Age-Related Macular Degeneration in both eyes. Dry in my left eye and wet in my right. I receive very expensive injections in my right eye for the past 5 years, which have allowed me to keep my central vision in that eye for which I am very grateful.

Prior to taking Vision Alive, I could only read printed materials with the assistance of a magnifying glass. I’m thrilled to report that with Vision Alive, I am now able to read print without the magnifying glass.

One more improvement, prior to taking Vision Alive, when I commended my apartment from the bright light outside into the darker light of the lobby of my building, I could not see the keyhole. I can now see that keyhole. I cannot see myself ever going without Vision Alive and hope that my experience will encourage others to try this product
Angela Evans
Boston, Massachusetts

“Yes! Working very well. Thank you very much.”

Vision Alive, I’m browsing website and I’m looking some products for my vitamins and situation I find your product. Yes! Working very well. Thank you very much. From Eugen from Stockton, California
Eugen Pindes
Stockton, California

“It’s also good to prevent macular degeneration. I really recommend Vision Alive.”

I had real watery eyes and nothing seem to help until I got Vision Alive and I never had any more problems. I really recommend Vision Alive.
Sandra Wilson
Newark, New Jersey

“I’m very excited about Vision Alive and i’m planning on continuing to use it and I’m very, very excited about it. Thank You!”

I was diagnosed with chronic dry eyes about 17 years ago. I’ve tried many products to try to get relief from the dryness, scratchiness and itchiness.

I discovered Vision Alive about 2 months ago when I was googling for a new treatment for dry eyes. I like what was in the ingredients and I thought I give it a try. I ordered 3 bottles.

I have taken 2 months of it right now, my eyes are feeling much more hydrated, they’re more comfortable. I’m excited about it. I always felt like something taken internally instead of externally would be the answer to reversing the dry eyes, getting more nutrients to the eyes.

I’m very excited about Vision Alive and i’m planning on continuing to use it and I’m very, very excited about it. Thank You!
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

“Thank you Vision Alive and the scientists that made this cause it really is an amazing product so far.”

I have been using Vision Alive for a month. And I noticed a lot more clarity in my vision. My eyes ain't as dry. Colors are more vivid. It really did work in one month.

I ran out of it and I'm going to get some more. But I'm definitely going to buying this on a regular regimen from here on now.

Thank you Vision Alive and the scientists that made this cause it really is an amazing product so far.

I've never ever seen the full benefits I'm sure. Thanks!
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania

“In the short time I’ve been using Vision Alive Supplements, my eyes feel less dry and irritated, as well as the sight clarity is much better”

I was recently delighted to come across Vision Alive Supplements. I’ve always felt the need to take good care of my eyesight, since my mom had contracted Macular Degeneration in her 50’s.

It would be understated if I said this disease ruined her life! It took away all the things in life she enjoyed; knitting, reading, watching movies, seeing without distortion her new grandchild.

In the short time I’ve been using Vision Alive Supplements, my eyes feel less dry and irritated, as well as the sight clarity is much better.

Oh have I mentioned, I’m 72 years young, only use a small corrective lens for reading, and enjoy a very active life. I’ve also started my husband’s usage of Vision Alive Supplements.

Bonny Moffet
Mundelein, Illinois

“I have been taking other eye supplements for 6 years but ONLY NOW THAT I’VE ADDED VISION ALIVE am I getting this exciting and gratifying result”

Dear Laura,

I had Macula Injection for my right eye today … I’m now in my 5th year of monthly injections. FOR THE FIRST TIME, leaking Macula IS DRY!!!

What have I changed in last 4 weeks? I have been including VISION ALIVE.

Two months after taking Vision Alive, here’s her feedback.

VISION ALIVE seems to have done me a lot of good. I’m playing Croquet 4 days a week WITHOUT GLASSES. Even though I had special ones made to help me improve my game, those glasses are just a nuisance now.

Here’s Roma’s feedback 3 months after taking Vision Alive:

You will no doubt be interested to know I had my monthly Macula Injection last Thursday – and my Macula leak is “Completely Dry...Very Very Dry”, my Eye Surgeon delightedly said.

That’s the 2nd time in 3 months. The month before, it was “almost, very nearly dry.” These are the 3 months I’ve been taking Vision Alive and I have been taking 2 capsules of Vision Alive twice a day.

I have been taking other eye supplements for 6 years but ONLY NOW THAT I’VE ADDED VISION ALIVE am I getting this exciting and gratifying result. At age 84, I believe this is quite an achievement. Have just ordered 6 bottles.

Roma Newton
New South Wales,

“Vision Alive really helps to ease the soreness”

I’m a front-end developer and spend at least 10 hours a day in front of the computer. My eyes get sore when I stare at the screen for too long and Vision Alive really helps to ease the soreness. I’m on my third bottle now.


“This is a lifesaver and it’s so nice to be able to drive at night and see well like when I was in my 20s. I will never give Vision Alive up”

I bought Vision Alive to help with my night blindness. I’m 45 years old and I used to dread driving at night as I couldn’t see well in the dark. The bright glare of the headlights literally blinded me. I even tried to wear yellow sunglasses for night driving but it didn’t help.

After just 3 days I realize that while driving home from work at night the headlights didn’t bother me anymore. I don’t have to adjust my mirrors to avoid looking at the light.

This is a lifesaver and it’s so nice to be able to drive at night and see well like when I was in my 20s. I will never give Vision Alive up.


“After using an entire bottle, I find that I have better clarity and color in my eyesight”

I’m 52 years old and I tried Vision Alive for my aging eyes. I noticed once I hit 40 my eyesight started to decline rapidly. I heard that lutein can help to improve my vision and I was really excited that both lutein and zeaxanthin are in Vision Alive.

After using an entire bottle, I find that I have better clarity and color in my eyesight. I can even read the small wordings now! I have never really been excited about supplements until now.


“I realize that my eyes are less dry when I eat this every day”

I’ve been taking Vision Alive several months for my dry eyes. I realize that my eyes are less dry when I eat this every day, but they become drier when I forget to take them for a day or two.


1 Bottle
with Autofill Every Month
+ $5.95 Shipping
(Save $34.95)
One Time Purchase
+ $5.95 Shipping
(Save $26.95)
3 Bottles
with Autofill Every 3 Months
+ $9.95 Shipping
(Save $109.85)
One Time Purchase
+ $9.95 Shipping
(Save $97.85)
6 Bottles
with Autofill Every 6 Months
FREE Shipping For USA
(Save $249.70)
One Time Purchase
FREE Shipping For USA
(Save $227.21)