The First Nutrient is Anthocyanins

which is the most powerful group of vision-protective antioxidants known to man.

Anthocyanins act like a powerful red sunscreen for your eyes, absorbing harmful UV and blue light, and protecting your vision from oxidative damage.

They do this by acting as ‘cannon fodder’, sacrificing themselves to be oxidized, and thereby sparing the DNA, protein, and fatty acids in the body that might otherwise be attacked.

Of all the limited foods they are found in, the greatest concentration of anthocyanins is found in bilberries, blueberries, and black currant.

First, One Of The Most Powerful Anthocyanins Is Cyanidin-3-Glucoside (C3G)

Which is abundant in black currant and bilberries.

In fact, for many glaucoma patients, one of the first symptoms they usually encounter is difficulty adapting from a light to a dark setting and having poor vision at night.

As we age, our ability to see in the dark is impaired. The reason is that a compound in our eyes, called rhodopsin (which absorbs light in our retina), dramatically declines over time.

If you have more rhodopsin, you can see faster and better in the dark, and can easily spot color contrast at night and see sharper images.

C3G stimulates rhodopsin regeneration so that you can see better in the dark.
In a clinical study, a group of aging individuals experienced improvement in their ability to see in darkness after just 30 minutes of taking a concentrated berry extract containing C3G!

That is why C3G can reduce the risk of serious injuries like falls among older individuals at night, which accounts for 70% of accidental deaths.

On top of that, the anthocyanins in black currant have been shown in studies to lower intraocular pressure levels in healthy subjects as well as in patients with glaucoma.

Next, Bilberry Is Approved For Its Use As a Medicine By The European Medicines Agency

Europe’s equivalent of the FDA. In fact, bilberry is one of the most-preferred non-prescription “drugs” in Europe for eye problems.

In a study conducted with 47 patients, taking bilberry extract resulted in a reduced capillary flow and improved blood circulation in their eyes.

This, in turn, helped reduce high intraocular pressure (IOP), which can damage the optic nerve over time.

Additionally, bilberries may help protect the retina from damage caused by oxidative stress, which can contribute to the development of glaucoma.

Then We Also Have Blueberry

which is the other berry that contains an extraordinarily high amount of vision-healing anthocyanins.

Unlike bilberries, Blueberries contain more malvidin-3-glucoside (Mv-3-glc), malvidin-3-galactoside (Mv-3-gal) and peonidin-3-galactoside that are found to prevent inflammation, as well as protecting against oxidative stress.

One study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that blueberry extract was able to reduce IOP.

Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that a blueberry-enriched diet was able to reduce retinal ganglion cell death in mice with glaucoma.

Now, You Might Be Thinking,

But Laura, I eat a lot of berries, why do I still have dry eyes?

Here’s the thing…

The amount of Anthocyanins in one single berry is very little and inconsistent.

In many research and studies, where they tested different berries from different countries, they found out that there is an inconsistency in terms of the amount of anthocyanins and even c3G in those berries.

Hence, even when you eat berries every day, the amount of anthocyanins you consume is too little to make any significant difference to your eyes.

You’ll need to eat at least 2 to 3 pounds of berries every day to experience any sort of benefits.

I know that sounds impractical and very expensive…

But after sharing with you the second group of eye nutrients, I’m going to show you how to get around this problem.

The Second Group Is Called
Macula Carotenoids

which contain lutein, zeaxanthin, and also other carotenoids like saffron and astaxanthin. All of these are known as ‘liquid gold’ for your eyes.

First, lutein and zeaxanthin are yellow-red pigmented nutrients that accumulate in your retina, particularly the macula region, which is located at the back of your eye.

They absorb reactive oxygen species attacks like a sponge and protect your eyes from oxidative damage.

If you don’t have enough Lutein and Zeaxanthin, your macula pigment will become razor-thin

And this allows the blue light and UV rays to go straight into the eye tissues and destroy your retinal cells.

So it’s really important that you constantly supply Lutein and Zeaxanthin to your eyes to ensure that your macula doesn’t wear out.

Over 70 studies have shown that supplementing with macular carotenoids protects against chronic eye damage from reactive oxygen species.

And people who followed a diet that is high in macular carotenoids had a 43% lower risk of vision problems.

Lutein and zeaxanthin may protect the retina from oxidative stress and improve visual function in glaucoma patients. One way they may do this is by filtering out blue light, which is a type of high-energy light that can be damaging to the retina. By absorbing blue light, lutein and zeaxanthin help to protect the retina from damage and reduce the risk of progression of glaucoma.

But there’s a problem…

Lutein and Zeaxanthin cannot be found in sufficient concentrations in your normal diet.
The good news is that through our research, the richest source of Lutein and Zeaxanthin can only be found in marigold flowers.

Take a look at this chart. The amount of lutein and zeaxanthin isomers in marigold flowers per 100 grams is so much higher compared to other foods.

Marigold has 215 times more lutein and 31 times more zeaxanthin as compared to the next highest on the chart, corn.

That is why marigold flowers are now the main, preferred natural source for lutein and zeaxanthin to heal your optic nerve cells!

The problem is lutein and zeaxanthin are not easily absorbed by your small intestine.

Even if you are taking lutein and zeaxanthin supplements, if they are not absorbed by your body, it would not heal your eyes from glaucoma.

Besides Lutein and Zeaxanthin,

Breakthrough Research Has Revealed That Saffron, A Prized Old-world Culinary Spice

that is long revered for its healing properties, contains two of the most powerful carotenoids on earth, called crocin and crocetin.

These specific antioxidants have been shown to fight cell-damaging free radicals to provide unparalleled protective benefits to the macula.

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study, researchers gave participants with macular issues 20 mg of saffron extract daily and performed tests to measure how well their retinal cells responded to light stimulation.

Remarkably, researchers saw dramatically improved retinal function in those who took the saffron.

After just 3 months, visual acuity measures on the Snellen chart—the standard optical chart used to assess vision sharpness at a distance—improved by a remarkable two lines compared to baseline values!

Participants Also Reported Improvements In

Contrast And Color Perception, Reading Ability, Vision In Low Light Conditions, And Overall Improvement In Quality Of Life

When your eyes have the nutrients they need, they can protect, restore, and renew themselves. But please… Don’t rush out and buy the first cheap eye supplement containing the nutrients I mentioned.

That would be a big mistake.

Here’s what you REALLY need to look for when upgrading your diet to include a premium eye health supplement.

They need to pass these 5 TESTS.

Even if you are using an eye supplement and getting some results, if it doesn’t pass all these 5 tests, you might as well be taking saw dust.

Just as a warning, the last test is absolutely critical. You can pass all the other tests and still waste your money if it doesn’t pass the last test.

Test #1

The anthocyanins in the berries must be standardized.

Most companies use cheap and low quality berries in their supplements. You need to look out for anthocyanins that are standardized by reading the label. The gold standard for anthocyanins is ‘standardized to 1.5% of anthocyanins’ or more.

This is to ensure the consistency, quantity, and quality of anthocyanins in the vision-protective berries so that they can make a difference to your eyes.

Again, read the label to ensure that it indicates “Standardized to 1.5% of anthocyanins” or more.

Test #2

Be sure to check that you are getting the ingredients in their purest form.

To receive the most benefits out of the supplements, it should not contain fillers or binders. Many fly-by-the-night companies use fillers and binders like rice flour, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide, and artificial coloring.

You can easily find these ingredients under the “Other ingredients” section in their supplement labels.

These ingredients will disrupt your body’s hormones and may lead to side effects, so it’s best to avoid them.

Test #3

No synthetic vitamins are used.

Most supplements use cheap synthetic vitamins like vitamin C from ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate, or vitamin E from dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate.

Synthetic vitamins are manufactured in a lab using very different processes than the all-natural ingredients they mimic.

When you take synthetic vitamins, your body must gather all the other components of the full vitamin from your body’s tissues in order to utilize it.

Synthetic vitamin C and vitamin E are just cheap and low quality antioxidants that do not have much benefits for your eyes.

Test #4

You want to have the right dosage of lutein and zeaxanthin.

Earlier, I mentioned that the eye carotenoids are made up of both lutein and zeaxanthin.

Based on the studies by Harvard University, the lutein and zeaxanthin need to be in the ratio of 5:1 for maximum efficacy.

But here’s the problem. Most fly-by-night companies use as little as 2% of the amount of zeaxanthin you need to get any improvement or eye protection.

Each serving should contain 10 mg of lutein and 2 mg of zeaxanthin.

This brings me to the last test for the ideal eye supplement.

Test #5

As mentioned earlier, Lutein and zeaxanthin have low bioavailability.

It requires a way of bypassing the stomach acids without being destroyed by it.

Here’s what I mean: the food that you eat goes from your mouth, to your stomach, then to your small intestine and finally to your large intestine.

It’s all the way in the small intestine that lutein and zeaxanthin are absorbed into your bloodstream to maximize their benefits.

This ensures that the 2 essential eye-saving nutrients enter your blood circulation and can begin to work its magic to protect your macula and retina.

The challenge is that the stomach acid can destroy anthocyanins and carotenoids, preventing them from reaching the small intestine.

Here At Holistic Health Labs, We Set Out To Create Such An Eye Formula That Meets All these Requirements And More

It contains all the anti-inflammatory eye nutrients that I’ve mentioned earlier like bilberries, blueberries, c3g from black currant, lutein, and zeaxanthin, maqui berry, saffron, and astaxanthin.

We used standardized extracts of bilberries and blueberries so that you get the consistent amount of anthocyanins your eyes require.

We sourced c3G anthocyanin from black currant to help your eyes see better at night.

And most importantly, we included the best lutein and zeaxanthin in the world from Lutemax 2020, which harnesses their own OmniBead™ technology for better absorption in your gut.

This protects the lutein and zeaxanthin nutrients from exposure to oxygen, moisture, and light… ensuring the high concentration and effectiveness of the active ingredients.

The Beadlet technology also ensures that the active compounds of the lutein and zeaxanthin nutrients are released in the body where there is the most effective absorption.

On top of that, we included the exact amount of clinical dosage used in studies - 10 mg of lutein and 2 mg of zeaxanthin.

And best of all, zeaxanthin from Lutemax 2020 contains both forms of zeaxanthin. So you will not only get the RR-zeaxanthin, but also meso-zeaxanthin.

What’s more, we have included Astaxanthin from algae and Maqui berry. Astaxanthin has been found to improve visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and visual functioning.

In a study published in the Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology journal, astaxanthin supplementation exhibited a suppressive effect on retinal injury from elevated intraocular pressure. This is good news for glaucoma patients who have high eye pressure.

On top of that, Dr. James McDonnell, a pediatric ophthalmologist at Loyola University Health System in Illinois, also suggests that along with eating healthy, supplementing your diet with astaxanthin was his “top recommendation” to help to prevent cataracts as “this supernutrient protects eyes from developing cataracts, macular degeneration, and blindness.

Next, maqui berry that is standardized to 25% delphinidin 3,5-0-diglucoside has been shown in studies to improve the health of our tear glands, increasing our tear fluid production and significantly reducing eye fatigue; thus, alleviating symptoms of dry eyes.

Lastly, it is in a vegetable capsule form without any harmful fillers, and is vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, and dairy-free.

This is, bar none, the most effective eye supplement on the market to date. And we’ve just shown you why.

And that is also why cheaper and lower quality eye supplements end up producing little to no results.

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop the most effective solution to provide the necessary nutrients that your eyes require.

One that would quickly and effectively supply these eye-saving nutrients through the small blood vessels that your eyes desperately need…

To help alleviate the eye pressure in your eyes and reduce the oxidative damage from reactive oxygen species.

And to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of age-related vision loss, glaucoma, cataracts, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye inflammation, and long-sightedness.
Packed with powerful nutrients like bilberries, blueberries, c3g from black currant, lutein and zeaxanthin, maqui berry, saffron, and astaxanthin, Vision Alive Max protects your eyes from oxidative stress, reduces intraocular pressure, and promotes healing from glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts.

Here’s What Some of Our Customers Have To Say After Taking Our Best-Selling Eye Supplement

Now, keep in mind, these are folks who have used many different brands of eye drops and supplements, and have even undergone invasive procedures, so they know what’s out there.

I’m 52 years old and I tried Vision Alive Max for my aging eyes. I noticed once I hit 40 my eyesight started to decline rapidly. I heard that lutein can help to improve my vision and I was really excited that both lutein and zeaxanthin are in Vision Alive Max.

After using an entire bottle, I find that I have better clarity and color in my eyesight. I can even read the small wordings now! I have never really been excited about supplements until now”.

Angela Evans

Verified Buyer

About 4 months ago, I was diagnosed with glaucoma in both eyes. My eye pressure was really high. So I started taking those prescribed drops. And that reduced the pressure. But I said to the doctor that the drops reduce my pressure but my eyes still hurt, and she said “that’s something else”, but she didn’t discuss it further. Then my first bottles of Vision Alive Max arrived. I started taking Vision Alive Max the same day. And as soon as I did, that pain went away. Usually, when you take a remedy, it takes a while to work. Vision Alive Max worked for me right after taking the first pill. What a relief.

Patricia Lawrence

Verified Buyer

I’m making this video from a printed script. So that you can see that my vision is really quite good now.

I began using Vision Alive just over 4 months ago, taking 2 capsules a day. I have Age-Related Macular Degeneration in both eyes. Dry in my left eye and wet in my right. I receive very expensive injections in my right eye for the past 5 years, which have allowed me to keep my central vision in that eye for which I am very grateful.

Since taking Vision Alive, the frequency of these injections has decreased from every 4-6 weeks to now 8 weeks. I found that with taking Vision Alive the very wavy lines you get with wet AMD have greatly improved. They’re still there but might reduced. Prior to taking Vision Alive, I could only read printed materials with the assistance of a magnifying glass. I’m thrilled to report that with Vision Alive, I am now able to read print without the magnifying glass.

One more improvement, prior to taking Vision Alive, when I commended my apartment from the bright light outside into the darker light of the lobby of my building, I could not see the keyhole. I can now see that keyhole. I cannot see myself ever going without Vision Alive and hope that my experience will encourage others to try this product

Angela Evans

Verified Buyer

It all started when I wanted new glasses.. I was tired of my bifocals and wanted separate distance, reading and for driving.

When I went, apparently I have lot of blood vessels behind my left eye, and they were quite concerned. So you know the routine and the tests when you have that. Special dye goes in your skin and a whole bunch of tests. Well, when I went to my regular optometrist, she had given me drops, and then I was to have a follow-up. Well the drops didn't do a very good job because on my one eye.. my vision was not very good. So, she wanted me to follow up in a few more weeks after that. Well, I wanted to know why the drops didn't really work for me. And I came across Vision Alive. It made sense - pure vitamins for your eyes.

So I figured, what do I got to lose? So I ordered just one bottle. Well, after the 30 days, I had an appointment follow up with my surgeon optometrist, the one who will be doing my cataract in a year. He was shocked to see what had happened to my left eye with all the blood vessels. It had cleared up. It was just a spot. At first, before this happened, they thought maybe I was in a car accident or had head injury. Or trauma. Whatever. But I had none of that. They were just there. Then, he had shown me, what it looked like before and after, I was shocked myself.

He’d asked if I had done anything different to my diet and I said no. But I did have my bottle of Vision Alive and showed them that was the only thing that I had added to my diet. He read it, and he had said if.. you think this is what did it, there's nothing wrong with taking them. But he could not say hundred percent if that was the case. I was pleasantly surprised since Vision Alive was the only thing I had added to my diet.

Two weeks later I had my follow up with my regular optometrist. She was also shocked. She looked at the surgeon’s, she looked at what was done with her just now. And she had asked the same thing - if I had added anything to my diet. Again, I had my bottle of Vision Alive with me. She could not say hundred percent either if that, is what cleared it up. And I was baffled because if I've not added anything to my diet, just the Vision Alive tablets, what other explanation is there? None. They just did not want to say that is probably what had cleared it up.

But my opinion I know what I did. So if you're up for glaucoma or you have blood vessels in behind your eye really bad like I did, give a months trial. Just take one bottle. Then have a follow up with your eye specialist. And see if it worked for you. All I know, Vision Alive worked for me. I have another follow up in 6 months with both of them and we will go from there.

Thank you so much Vision Alive!


Verified Buyer

Vision Alive, I’m browsing website and I’m looking some products for my vitamins and situation I find your product. Yes! Working very well. Thank you very much.


Verified Buyer

I had real watery eyes and nothing seem to help until I got Vision Alive and I never had any more problems. And it’s also good to prevent macular degeneration. I really recommend Vision Alive.

Sandra Wilson

Verified Buyer

Hello, I started having symptoms of dry eye, irritated eyes, blurry vision back in October. And so I was googling everything that I could do to make my eyes feel better. And I also had some eye strain, and so I stumbled upon Vision Alive video.

So I watched it and decided to order a bottle. And I received it on October 20th, I started taking it on October 21st. I didn’t notice a change immediately but about after I’ve been taking it for about 3 weeks, I noticed that my distance vision was getting a lot crisper and clearer, but up close vision was still a little bit blurry, but now, I’m on my 2nd bottle and I’ve seen a huge improvement in how my eyes feel, how I can see… And I don’t have to wear my glasses all the time anymore. So I just wanted to let everyone know that you won’t be disappointed.

It is the best eye supplement I have ever used, and I’ve used a few just because my mother has macular degeneration and I want to stay on top of it if I ever have the chance of getting it.

So I highly recommend Vision Alive to everyone who has risk factors for macular degeneration, or dry eyes, irritated eyes or blurry vision, even.

And even if you don’t have any eye problems, I think it’d be a benefit to your supplement collection or whatever it is you take everyday.

So thank you and order some!


Verified Buyer

I was diagnosed with chronic dry eyes about 17 years ago. I’ve tried many products to try to get relief from the dryness, scratchiness and itchiness.

I discovered Vision Alive about 2 months ago when I was googling for a new treatment for dry eyes. I like what was in the ingredients and I thought I give it a try. I ordered 3 bottles.

I have taken 2 months of it right now, my eyes are feeling much more hydrated, they’re more comfortable. I’m excited about it. I always felt like something taken internally instead of externally would be the answer to reversing the dry eyes, getting more nutrients to the eyes.

I would highly recommend Vision Alive to people out there that are struggling with chronic dry eyes ‘cos it can be debilitating.

I’m very excited about Vision Alive and i’m planning on continuing to use it and I’m very, very excited about it. Thank You!


Verified Buyer

I have been using Vision Alive for a month. And I noticed a lot more clarity in my vision. My eyes ain't as dry. Colors are more vivid. It really did work in one month.

I ran out of it and I'm going to get some more. But I'm definitely going to buying this on a regular regimen from here on now.

Thank you Vision Alive and the scientists that made this cause it really is an amazing product so far.

I've never ever seen the full benefits I'm sure. Thanks!


Verified Buyer

I was recently delighted to come across Vision Alive Supplements. I’ve always felt the need to take good care of my eyesight, since my mom had contracted Macular Degeneration in her 50’s.

It would be understated if I said this disease ruined her life! It took away all the things in life she enjoyed; knitting, reading, watching movies, seeing without distortion her new grandchild.

In the short time I’ve been using Vision Alive Supplements, my eyes feel less dry and irritated, as well as the sight clarity is much better.

Oh have I mentioned, I’m 72 years young, only use a small corrective lens for reading, and enjoy a very active life. I’ve also started my husband’s usage of Vision Alive Supplements.

Bonny Moffet

Verified Buyer

Dear Laura,

I had Macula Injection for my right eye today … I’m now in my 5th year of monthly injections. FOR THE FIRST TIME, leaking Macula IS DRY!!!

What have I changed in last 4 weeks? I have been including VISION ALIVE.

Two months after taking Vision Alive, here’s her feedback.

VISION ALIVE seems to have done me a lot of good. I’m playing Croquet 4 days a week WITHOUT GLASSES. Even though I had special ones made to help me improve my game, those glasses are just a nuisance now.

Here’s Roma’s feedback 3 months after taking Vision Alive:

You will no doubt be interested to know I had my monthly Macula Injection last Thursday – and my Macula leak is “Completely Dry...Very Very Dry”, my Eye Surgeon delightedly said.

That’s the 2nd time in 3 months. The month before, it was “almost, very nearly dry.” These are the 3 months I’ve been taking Vision Alive and I have been taking 2 capsules of Vision Alive twice a day.

I have been taking other eye supplements for 6 years but ONLY NOW THAT I’VE ADDED VISION ALIVE am I getting this exciting and gratifying result. At age 84, I believe this is quite an achievement. Have just ordered 6 bottles.

Roma Newton

Verified Buyer

But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It.

Hear what Dr. Sara Frye, A Board Certified Optometrist, Has To Say About Vision Alive Max

Dr. Sara Frye, OD
Board Certified Optometrist, Fellow of the American Academy

Scientific Advisory Board

Holistic Health Labs Scientific Advisory Board is a team of medical and alternative healthcare practitioners who play an integral role for the education of our customers as well as the research, development, and testing of each Holistic Health Labs product. This team has been put together to ensure quality, delve into the scientific research of each ingredient used in our formula, and offer relevant insights to further improve our existing products and newly developed formula.
Adam Stewart, DMP, DABR
American Board of
Radiology Certified
Gianguido Coffa, PhD
Senior Scientist &
Biotech Consultant
Isn’t That Amazing?
Isn’t that amazing?

It’s crazy to think that ten years ago, even most doctors had no idea what these eye-saving nutrients were or how powerful they were.

Vision Alive Max and the results speak for themselves.

Not only do we receive emails and letters like these every single day, but we also have hundreds of glowing reviews on our website and on Amazon, with an average rating of 4.2 stars.

And the best part?

The number of satisfied customers is growing every day.

Now, I’m sure you can see why we will be pricing Vision Alive Max at the higher end of the market.

The patented OmniBead technology, the standardization of bilberries and blueberries, the c3G extract from black currant, the inclusion of saffron (which is one of most expensive spices in the world), and other premium ingredients like astaxanthin and maqui berry require a high investment to maintain this standard of quality.

But we were concerned about how many people would not be able to afford Vision Alive Max if we priced it at a premium.

So we got with our marketing department and came up with a possible solution.

Instead of putting it in stores, we decided to go a different route.

We decided to deliver directly to you, the consumer, and cut out the midle man.

It’s the only way we can maintain our stringent quality standards and get you the best vision formula at a price that’s affordable.

That is why we are very excited to be able to offer Vision Alive Max at just
for a one month supply.

That’s right, each bottle lasts for an entire month.

You can take more, if you want. And you can take less if you want. It is completely safe.

You Will Feel Your Vision
Has Completely Transformed

Imagine one day, waking up feeling that your vision has completely transformed.

Imagine how your eyesight is now as clear as it was when you were a child and how every time you read or drive, you can decipher the words quickly and easily without squinting.

And your vision is, after years, or even decades, as sharp as an eagle’s.

Imagine how you no longer feel like your eyesight is dwindling or getting fuzzier every day.

For the first time, in a long time, you will be able to see clearly with ease and comfort, and without the need for any medication, surgeries, or injections.

How even blurry and declining vision, blotches in the eye, and dry eyes disappear and your clear vision finally returns.

For most of the clients we’ve worked with, we saw that $69.95 a bottle replaced over $500 a month in medications.

So to try Vision Alive Max absolutely risk-free, all you need to do is try one bottle —just one month’s supply — use it, and see that it is everything we claim it is.

Since you’re watching this presentation, you have a chance to get it with a special offer right now.

Right now, and for the next 24 hours, because you are here, reading this letter, you can get your own bottle for our introductory price of

With This Risk-free Offer,
You Have Nothing To Lose.

Select the Package
that’s Right for You

Select the Package that’s Right for You

Once You Click The Option That Suits You Best,

You Will Be Taken To The Next Page
That Looks Like This:

All you need to do is enter your information and finalize your order there.

Then, in a few days, you will receive a package in the mail.

Then you can begin seeing the world through new eyes.

Best of all, you’ll be grandfathered in at this price on all future orders you decide to make with us even if our regular price goes up.

That means that no matter how many times you order Vision Alive Max, regardless of how much the price increases in the near future, you will only pay this low price — while others will have to pay the higher price.

That’s just $1.33 a day to restore your vision and protect it from wearing out — like back in the good old days when you were able to see clear, sharp images.

That’s a whole lot cheaper than macular injections, cataract operations, eye drops or laser eye surgery to revive your tired eyes and failing eyesight.

You’ll be able to save thousands of dollars on eye prescriptions and procedures you were forced to undergo to reverse or slow down the irreversible eye damage.

And let’s not forget, the lost freedom and independence from worsening eyesight.

All these will be a thing of the past.

Yet, for today, you will be receiving Vision Alive Max together with some extra gifts…

Just for reading this page, I’d like to give you free of charge, this value-added bonus to help you tackle ALL your vision concerns and reverse eye aging!

The first gift you’ll be receiving today is


Usual Price:


With Vision Alive:


Ultra Vision: Your Guide to Naturally Improve Your Eyesight and Restore Your Vision

I feel it’s important to help you truly understand how your eyes work and all the natural ways you can defend your eyes from infection, illness, and various eye diseases.

So that is why I’m including my ebook, Ultra Vision completely free.

With Ultra Vision, I will show you:

How the overuse of microwaved, gluten, and pesticide-laden foods has weakened your eyes … and made you vulnerable to deadly ocular diseases we are seeing today.

How to use food as nature’s medicine to save your eyesight.

I will also show you how to incorporate what is called a “Vision Therapy”, a vision training method and related special exercises to help your eyes develop better alignment.

In fact, you will learn the studies that show how to reverse developing issues before they cause irreversible eye damage and how to remedy existing problems including lazy eyes, cataracts, as well as how to maintain your perfect eyesight as you grow older.

I will also explain, in simple terms, the various mechanisms in your eyes and how they work together to ensure that they will age healthily well into your golden years...

and the simple, natural, and holistic ways to preserve your eyes.

And that’s just the beginning.

Normally, this important guide sells for $37.

It is yours FREE, when you order Vision Alive Max today.

That’s right, just by ordering Vision Alive Max, you will be able to download Ultra Vision right away.

And it is yours to keep even if you decide to return Vision Alive Max.
I am on a mission to reverse the deteriorating eyesight people are suffering from due to an ever declining eye-saving nutrients in the body...

By now, I’m sure you can see why the Vision Alive Max alone, is valued at $39.95.

Even without the bonus, it is an incredible value.

However, just for watching this presentation today, I have another bonus I’ll tell you about in a minute...

Just keep watching, as it won’t last much longer...

Now, when you choose the option below that suits you best, you’ll be taken to our secure server which is encrypted with the latest 228-bit security for your total protection.
Select the Package
that’s Right for You

Select the Package that’s Right for You

Our Risk-free Guarantee

Just fill in your shipping and payment information, and we’ll rush Vision Alive Max to your door.

We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction that’s why Vision Alive Max comes with a 30-day, no questions asked money back guarantee.

If after taking Vision Alive Max, you don’t see dramatic improvements to your vision and overall wellness, simply send back the unused portion for a fast and fuss-free refund.

We feel you should give it at least one month to allow Vision Alive Max to work its magic, as some have more repair that is needed than others.

Feel free to use the entire bottle if you want.

If you’re not satisfied, you can even send us back the empty bottle and we’ll still give you a full no questions asked refund.

We Are That Confident You Will Experience Life-Changing Results

OH, and before i go, I feel it’s important to tell you one more thing.

It’s important that we talk about the cost of NOT taking care of your eyes because this is not a problem that fixes itself.

If you’re diagnosed with AMD, cataracts, glaucoma or even suffer from poorer and blurred vision years from now, there are only a few options that you are left with to save your vision.

Option #1

You can go for laser photocoagulation treatment to treat AMD and diabetic retinopathy, which not only costs thousands of dollars, but it is also highly risky and may result in serious vision loss.

Statistics have shown that only 10 - 20% of wet AMD patients benefit from this treatment.

Option #2

The second option is injecting anti-angiogenic drugs directly into your eyes. These drugs cause extreme discomfort and redness at the site of the injections.

Each injection easily costs $1,000 or more, and it is necessary to go for treatments every month.

Option #3

You can go for laser photocoagulation treatment to treat AMD and diabetic retinopathy, which not only costs thousands of dollars, but it is also highly risky and may result in serious vision loss.

Statistics have shown that only 10 - 20% of wet AMD patients benefit from this treatment.

Now, Here’s A Better Way

When you consume one capsule of Vision Alive Max every day, your eyes will be nourished and alive again because of the essential anthocyanins and carotenoids that protect your maculas and retinas from harmful UV rays, oxidative stress, and radiation.

So click on the link below - now to try Vision Alive Max at the special introductory price, totally risk-free.
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You’ll Join Hundreds Of Success Stories, Like These...


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With Vision Alive:


It is called Ultra Vision Foods:

Discover the 15 foods that strengthen the eye’s lens, pupil, retina and macula and help heal and reverse the most common vision ailments.

Focusing on the top 15 foods provides a simple plan that you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle.

For each food on the list, I show you each variety you can find, just in case you live in another part of the world where it goes by a different name or is a different strain.

I explain why each leads to razor sharp vision as well as all the other health-producing benefits each food possesses.

But most importantly, I show you how to buy, store and prepare these power-foods.

Together With Vision Alive Max And Ultra Vision, You Can Say Goodbye To Illness And Fear For The Rest Of Your Life.

And THAT brings your Total Value to over

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that’s Right for You

Select the Package that’s Right for You

4. Cakes and Donuts

By now, I hope you understand the root cause of glaucoma, because you will realize why you should avoid this 4th type of food that I mentioned at the beginning of the video.

Which are the Cakes and Donuts…

Cakes and donuts are typically high in sugar, which can contribute to insulin resistance when consumed in excess. Insulin resistance, a precursor to type diabetes2, has been linked to an increased risk of developing glaucoma.

A study published in the Journal Ophthalmology in 2014 found that individuals with insulin resistance had a higher risk of developing primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) compared to those with normal insulin sensitivity.

Cakes and donuts are often made with refined carbohydrates, such as white flour, which can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels.

These fluctuations in blood sugar can lead to increased oxidative stress and inflammation in the body—two factors that can contribute to the development and progression of glaucoma.

On top of that, many commercially prepared cakes and donuts contain trans fats, which are often found in hydrogenated vegetable oils used for frying or as a shelf-stable ingredient in processed foods.

A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association Ophthalmology in 2014 showed that individuals who consumed higher amounts of trans fats had a greater risk of developing primary open-angle glaucoma.

With that, I hope you enjoyed today’s webinar on the 4 foods to never eat when you have glaucoma.

Again, this has been Laura Lindsey, Chief Nutritionist of Holistic Health Labs.

Thank you for your time.

I really hope you’ll take action now and join us so our Vision Alive Max can take care of your eyes.
How do I use this product?
Simply take one capsule daily with food or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

“What does it taste like? Is it easy to swallow?”
This was an issue we heard from many older people who want the incredible benefits of anthocyanins.

And yes.

Because we took the time and expense to find the most potent and concentrated ingredients, we did not need to use large capsules. Even small doses can pack a tremendous punch and be easy to swallow.

The capsules will be easy to swallow and still give you the fastest and most dramatic results possible.

Is it ok to take this supplement long term?
Yes, absolutely, and that is what is recommended.

As mentioned, research suggests that anthocyanin and carotenoid supplementation is even more important to your retina and eyes than taking a multi-vitamin.

And because inadequate anthocyanin levels have been linked through research to more than 30 different diseases and health issues, including obesity and weight gain,

We truly believe that EVERYONE should be taking an anthocyanins and carotenoid rich eye supplement daily, ongoing, to continually fight against the retina-damaging UV light that we are constantly exposed to every single day.

How will this product be shipped to me and how quickly?
We will ship your order directly to your home or office using USPS/UPS or Fedex if you are based in the United States, and you will have it within 3 to 6 business days.

Will anything else be sent to me, or billed to me, after I order?
No. This is NOT an auto-ship program.

You only get shipped what you order today and nothing more.

Is it safe to order online from your website?
Absolutely. We use a 256-bit secure ordering server on our payment gateway so you are protected the same as if you were ordering from any other trusted Web site.

How long will the initial low price last?
We are unable to guarantee today’s pricing beyond today. Once we get enough testimonials and reviews, we will most likely increase the price.

What if this product doesn’t work for me?
Vision Alive was created to work. If for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your Vision Alive purchase, just let us know and we will refund even the empty bottle without question. You’re always protected by our industry best 30 day Money Back Guarantee

How do I order?
You can simply choose the best-valued package and click the order button next to it. You'll be taken to our checkout page and enter your credit card details to make the payment.

Just fill in your shipping and payment information, and we'll rush Vision Alive Max to your door. If you encounter any issues, you can email us at [email protected] or call us at +1 312 324 0024.

OK, those are all the frequently asked questions. If you have anymore when you start using Vision Alive you have our Customer Service contact information. We will be happy to answer any question that comes up.

So again, if you haven’t done so already, place your order right now and start the road to feeling great again.
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